
Consumer banking intern

June - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

It was a great environment, everyone is extremely welcoming and helpful at Citi. They are always willing to sit down and chat with interns to discuss life at Citi and how they got there.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more opportunities to explore different sectors of the bank rather than being strictly in consumer banking the entire time.


If you have the opportunity to intern with Citi take it, they're not like every other big bank and have a refreshing environment.
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ICG Ops Summer Intern

June - August 2021 • Buffalo, NY

What I liked

Mentor-Mentee relationship was heavy encouraged, a lot of learning opportunities to seek out, a lot of people who have been through this internship that are willing to talk about their experience

What I wish was different

Longer, more structured


Reach out to anyone who was a speaker at any session, they are more than willing to talk to you. Do not wait till the last few weeks to really dive into the network. Learn about which department you want to pursue.
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved the combination of a virtual experience (9 weeks) and in-person experience (1 week). I got to witness both sides of the job. I also had the opportunity to see the office in-person, which was beautiful (especially the trading floor).

What I wish was different

I wish we had more weeks in-person! It was incredible.


Take advantage of the Bloomberg terminal on campus (Mendoza) :)
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Investment Banking Analyst Intern

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Very rewarding experience. Have learned so much about the industry, connected with insightful/encouraging professionals, and made good intern friends.

What I wish was different


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Enterprise Operations and technology Analyst

June - August 2021 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

The program was structured well and I was set up for success from the very beginning.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship was in person. However, I still had an amazing experience virtually.


You really gain a lot of new technical and soft skills over the 10 weeks.
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Sales and Trading Summer Analyst

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

It was awesome. I spent the entire summer learning and studying markets, which I have a huge interest in. I also met a ton of great people who have been very helpful.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've had more formal projects or ways to show my knowledge.


Talk to everyone. Every single day is a networking opportunity
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2021 • Dubai, Dubai

What I liked

Support, mentorship

What I wish was different

I would want to go to the office


It is very rewarding, students should apply
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Technology Intern

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wish the internship offered a hybrid option, but my team made sure I felt as included and got the most rewarding work done possible for the summer.


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High school Intern

June - July 2021 • Irving, TX

What I liked

The mentorship

What I wish was different

I wish it was in person.


Try and network, and take extra opportunities when offered.
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Corporate Banking Intern

June - August 2021 • Hong Kong, Hong Kong

What I liked

Great office culture

What I wish was different

Rotations among different departments


Be proactive in the office and network with colleagues
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Treasury and Trade Solutions Analyst

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great work culture. You’ll have access to senior leaders and it’s a very collaborative environment

What I wish was different

I wish it was a 12 week program


Networking is essential to find success
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Operations Analyst

June - August 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

Liked the connections I made and people I met

What I wish was different

less training


Use experiences to understand what you like and what you don’t like
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Risk Management Intern

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

It was a great experience. I learned a lot about the field.

What I wish was different

I wish it was in person and not virtual.


I would say that real life working experience is a lot different from what school prepares you for.
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treasury and trade solutions summer analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved the company. I felt very inclusive and was a great first step into the finance world. As there are so many different departments withing TTS, they gave us the opportunity to rank where we would like to be placed and almost everyone got their first or second choice. This allowed me to really focus where I was most interested so I could get the most out of my summer. Citi also did a great job of setting up training, not just at the start of the internship but through out the whole summer to really help make me feel more comfortable with my role and how the bank as a whole operates. Moreover, they provide every intern with two mentors and multiple networking events in order to get to know as many people as possible in a comfortable environment.

What I wish was different

Although there is very little negative I could say, I do wish there had been more clarity about the return offer and exit interview process at the end. I felt that not having very much information on the process just made me even more nervous and unsure of how exactly I should be preparing.


The biggest piece of advice would be to network. Although, this is something everyone stresses before you get the internship. It is just as important once you are there. Setting up meetings and coffee chats with other people in the business, at different levels of seniority, really helped me to get a deeper understanding of how the business works and where I fit in. Talking to people and getting to know them also helped me learn more about the day to day of different jobs within the bank more than just their overall role.
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Global Information Security Analyst

June - August 2019 • Irving, TX

What I liked

I loved the people that Citi recruits! Had an amazing time collaborating with other interns and getting to know the company. The class size and housing assistance was my favorite part, it made the internship itself very enjoyable.

What I wish was different

Citi is a global company, so it is not a negative aspect whatsoever, but I would have appreciated being informed that my team would not be on campus. I was able to learn and collaborate in new ways(such as conference calls and video calls), which in the end helped develop my professional-interpersonal skills!


Make sure you ask questions about your role and reach out , not only to your manager(as most managers are busy!), but to also reach out to other team members and those around you!!
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Technology analyst

June - August 2019 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

They had a program focused on the summer analysts and created a good environment

What I wish was different

They had done a little better planning with the teams they put us on


Talk to people and don’t be afraid to ask questions
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FX Intern

July - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I got a firsthand experience of the trading floor. I the opportunity to network and explore various different companies including Bloomberg. I was also able to meet many different company executives and learn from there experiences. I also got a few books to read.

What I wish was different

I wish it were a longer experience and more hands on. Being that it was only a month and our schedule was packed we didn’t get an opportunity to learn the technicals or trading like I wanted to.


Network and be prepared for every encounter. You never know who you will meet and what you may have in common.
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Irving, TX

What I liked

Great people and work environment

What I wish was different

Very large company, my whole team was remote


Everyone just wants to help you, so take risks and make connections and make sure you learn something from the summer
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June - September 2019 • Prague, Prague

What I liked

I really liked how everything was very formal and adult-like. The entire program Was very organized

What I wish was different

I wish I had the opportunity to learn more about different departments


Talk to as many people as you can! Network!!
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Summer Financial Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The culture of Citi is one of togetherness and encouragement. Every person I met over the summer was interested in helping me further my career and find my passion.

What I wish was different


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